Monday, 3 March 2014

Know Your Pride Level

During arguments, when I hear people make comments like, ‘we are not age mates’ or we are not in the same level’, I quickly summarize how they view life. It’s either they think an older person cannot be at fault or they feel their age is an achievement everyone should respect, and that to me means either the person has not achieved much or has no hope or desire to achieve more. Thus, his or her age becomes a trophy for all to behold. 
I am not  promoting rudeness to older people, I am just saying that when two adults are misunderstanding themselves, it should not be the time to call in the number of years spent on earth, which almost always has nothing to do with the bone of contention. Even when dealing with children, one needs to be careful because they also  can be right when an older person is wrong. So, I don’t see why an adult will point out his or her age to another adult as if that is the only criteria for being right.

Then, the level thing, I just wonder what  it really means. Does it refer to financial, intellectual, physical (e.g number of children)  or spiritual (like someone recently pointed out for me) superiority. I am still wondering what spiritual level means because once pointed out, it is tantamount to pride and that brings the person to zero level. It’s worse when the ‘higher level’ person happens to be educated, all that schooling seems to just fly out the window and he or she comes off sounding like an illiterate.
Dare I say that often times the person who is at fault is almost always the one to foul the peace process because just as he won’t check what he says to cause the misunderstanding, he also won’t stop to listen and find out where he erred because he is not on the same level with the other person.

People please, a mis-UNDERSTANDING  is what it is. Whether you think you are above or below, common sense demands you listen to each other and come to an understanding!!!!

So when someone uses that line with me, I just respond silently, ‘yes, we are not on the same PRIDE level, knock yourself out getting to the top!!!

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